Wellbeing & RE News 

Dear Sacred Heart Community,


Wellbeing News 

On Monday, whilst it was a school closure day for students, staff were working with a wonderful educational consultant in Maurizio Vespa. Maurizio worked with staff on wellbeing and the way to approach situations in the classroom and school yard in a restorative way. Here is a great article that Maurizio has written about WHY we need restorative practices in education. 


 Why Education needs Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices (RP) is the name given to the educational practice that reflects a relational approach to resolving harm and conflict. The focus of (RP) is on repairing harm and to view inappropriate actions as an opportunity for guiding, learning and teaching replacement behaviours. To teach self-regulation, self-efficacy skills and resilience.


To continue reading this article click on this link: Education


RE News



Congratulations to Amelia, Ethan, Michael, Jaxon, Zane (and Zane's cousin Eli) who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Friday night. 

Confirmation 2022
Confirmation 2022

Thank you also to the children and families that came along to support these children and Marty and I in the choir - we were so appreciative of the time and enthusiasm they put in to assist the students in Year 5. Well done!

Choir members at Confirmation
Choir members at Confirmation


It has been a term full of learning along with a few wintery illnesses, so it has been nice to see the spring weather breaking through the last few days. I wish all our families a truly wonderful break.

Take Care, 


Kate Harris

Wellbeing & RE Leader
