Classroom News

I can't believe we are already at the end of term 3!! The Preps have done an amazing job this term. Learning, listening and playing with one another. Over the last 2 weeks we have had a big focus on writing short sentences using our Phonics knowledge. We have also learnt some digraphs ( 2 letters that make 1 sound). I'm so proud of you all!
Keep an eye out in your child's bag as there will be a folder with lots of fun things you can do with them over the holidays!!!
Year 1
We can’t believe that Term 3 is almost over. As teachers we would like to congratulate the Year 1 students on all of their learning this term. We participated in a learning circle this week and reflected on all of our learning this term. It was amazing to hear from the students themselves about all the learning that has taken place.
These were just some of the responses:
- I learnt how to read
- I learnt a lot about fiction and non-fiction books
- I learnt about multiplication, division and fractions
- I learnt why the division sign looks like the way it does
- I learnt about halves and quarters
- I learnt and worked on being kind to others
- I learnt how to make friends with different people at school
- I learnt to be brave at school
Year 2
Year 2 have learnt a number of signs over the past three terms. Take a look at some of their favourite signs!
Year 4 / 5
Not sure where this term went but I do know the students spent most of their time growing their brains and continuing to develop their skills as learners. Highlights of the term were;
# the Athletics carnival where all our students participated, with Alex making his way to the next stage of his event in shotput
# the amazing stories of migration that we heard from the parents and grandparents of Ethan, Alex, Julian and Isabelle.
# our wonderful excursions to the City, where the students were exposed to a range of activities, including the Arts Centre, the Immigration Museum, the Koorie Heritage TR
# in Inquiry the students were