Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
I would like to wish you all a safe, relaxing and well earned break (I can say this with real hope and expectation with the two public holidays later next week). As I am fortunate enough to do at the conclusion of every term, I would like to thank you all, students, parents, carers and staff, for they way we have been able to work together with informed trust and cooperation. It has been a busy, exciting and rewarding term and we go into our final term of 2022, with high expectations for another great term of learning, developing and growing together.
Prayer for our Students' Safety
Congratulations to our Year Five students Jaxon, Ethan, Michael, Amelia, Zane and Eli who received that Sacrament of Confirmation last Friday evening. In a Spirit Filled ceremony, these students confirmed their commitment to participate in their continued faith journey. We pray for them all, as well as their loving and supportive parents who will continue to journey with them. Thank you to Kate, Denise and Marty who played a significant part in their preparation and celebration of the Sacrament.
Thank you Miliana and Family
As mentioned in our newsletter previously, we are incredibly grateful to our Year Six student Miliana and her family, for designing and gifting us the plaque that is now displayed in our office. The plaque acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which our school is placed and pays respect to all Elders past and present.
I would also like to mention the company from which Joanne and Rampsay (Miliana's mum and dad) purchased this striking plaque.
Amanda and Brett's Wedding
Some beautiful photos from Amanda (our Year Prep Teacher) and Brett's wedding last Saturday. As you can see from a couple of photos, some of our students went to the ceremony to help celebrate Amanda and Brett's special day.
Year Prep 2023 Transition Session One
On Tuesday we had our first transition session for our 2023 class of Year Prep. Nearly all were able to attend and showed they are going to be another great Year Prep class at our school. Bethany and Jess who were with the "Preps" for their nearly two hour session, were so impressed with their willingness to be involved in the activities and how well behaved they were. Our "Preps" have their next transition session on the first Wednesday back next term, Wednesday 5th October.
Swimming Program 2022 (Year Prep to Year Four)
We are currently negotiating with the provider of our school's swimming program to have a week's intensive program early next term. As you will be aware from media reports, swimming instructors are in very short supply. As soon as the program is organised, you will be informed with the relevant details.
RAT kits will be handed out today for all students. RAT kits will be delivered again next term to our school and we will continue to pass them onto families every three weeks or so.
Working Bee
This is the first notice of a planned working bee next term on Friday 11th November. The working bee will take place between 5.00pm and 6.30pm and will concentrate on our school playground with some general gardening maintenance. Further information will be given as we get closer to the date.
Thank you to those families who have brought in items for their child's class hamper to assist with fundraising for next terms dinner dance. All items will be collected tomorrow so that hampers can be put on display next term in the weeks leading up to the dinner dance. If you would still like to provide an item, the following is a list of class hampers.
Yr Prep: Pampering, Year One: Cooking, Year Two: Children's Games/Toys, Year Three/Four Gardening, Year Four/Five: Sport and Year Five/Six: Art and Craft
Hampers so far:
Please take care.
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney