The PFA is an integral part of the school community and a great way to meet other parents. The funds raised by the PFA help support school projects, teachers and students.
The PFA is where all parents have a chance to share ideas about fundraisers and ways to benefit our children and our school.
If you have any questions regarding the PFA or would like to join please email All parents/carers are welcome to join, it’s never too late.
School Disco
The P.F.A are getting excited planning our School Disco for
Friday 9th of September. There will be two different sessions for the junior and senior school and be a $2 entry fee.
Prep to Grade 2 – 6pm to 7:15pm
Grade 3 to Grade 6 – 8pm to 9:30pm.
There will be drinks, lollies, chips and glow items available to be purchased on the night.
If you have any questions regarding the Disco please email
Please read the attached notice.
Issue 6 has been ordered and will be sent home as soon as it arrives at school.
Entertainment Book
School holidays are approaching and it’s a great time to get some deals by purchasing the Entertainment Book App. There is a lot of 2 for 1 offers for activities and dining.
This year the P.F.A. are raising money for our School, please help us achieve our goal by purchasing your Entertainment Membership from us.
The price is $69.99 for a single city or $119.99 for a Multi city membership and Oatlands Primary School receives 20% from every Membership sold so tell your family and friends to support us as well.
Please click on the link to buy