Monday 15 August to Wednesday 17 August

What an AMAZING camp!

Student Reflections 8F - Isabel, Sian and Chelsea 

On Monday 15 August, most of the Year 8’s set off to the Summit camp in Trafalgar. After the long rainy bus drive of singing and having a jolly good time, we arrived at the adventurous Summit camp. We got assigned into our cabins and shortly got called down for some very riveting activities. As we set off into our groups to get to know other peers, that's when the fun started. We all got assigned different activities such as, the outrageous giant swing, the chilling leap of faith and many more activities that would help us step out of our comfort zones. Some groups were lucky enough to enjoy the flying fox, inflatable obstacle course and even a game of intense laser tag.


That night we had a trivia night after dinner, then proceeded to head off to bed. The next day after a delicious croissant breakfast, we headed off for another round of activities. After the great day of fun, we all went to the cabins to put on some dirty old clothes in preparation for the mud run. We then set off from the start line to fill up our buckets with chilling cold water from the lake. All the participants headed off to a game of charades leading into a high A-frame rope course. After many more muddy, messy and horrifying obstacles, we reached the finish line and then got knowledge that we had to repeat the dreaded course for a faster team score. The relief of the shower afterwards was tangible. 


After the big day of outrageous activities, we settled down to watch ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’. We then headed off to enjoy our last night in our (freezing cold) cabins.


The next morning after our great night of sleep, we woke up to the disappointment that we had to head home. It was great to have the opportunity to challenge ourselves and get out of our comfort zones and to get to know each other and our teachers better. 


We would like to thank Mr Cuff, the Year 8 Coordination team and all the teachers for coming along and having a fantastic time.