The Parliament Prize 2022
The Victorian Parliament Prize competition is a statewide contest where students from Grade 5 to Year 12 present a 90 second Member's Statement about the issues that are important in their community.
What is a Member’s Statement?
Each day that parliament meets, a Member of Parliament (MP) has an opportunity to make a 90-second speech on any topic or issue they consider to be important. This is called a Member’s Statement. One of the great things about Members' Statements is the range of topics and issues that MPs speak about. They might talk about the achievements of people or organisations in their electorate, challenges being faced in their local community, or perhaps broader state or national issues.
This year, Olivia Bradshaw (Year 10) discussed the importance of Youth Wellbeing Centres, like the Lilydale Youth Hub and how big of an impact services like these can have on teenagers.
Over 670 entries were submitted from 145 schools. Students addressed over 390 unique topics, ranging from the cost of living to gender equality, animal rights and education.
Olivia’s entry was ranked within the Top 10 videos for her age range (Years 10 -12).
The judging panel included three members of parliament, as well as members of parliament’s education advisory panel and parliament staff.
CONGRATULATIONS and well done Olivia!!
Melbourne University’s Conservatorium of Music
Recently, Heidi Graupner (Year 12) attended a Low Brass Workshop at the Melbourne University’s Conservatorium of Music. Heidi is an advanced Tuba player and said;
“It was an amazing experience. I learnt more about what I should add to my practice sessions, what I should be conscious about while playing/performing, and the pathways I could take in terms of what bands and ensembles I could join after school.
I also got the opportunity to sight read two pieces in a large group, which was awesome. We sounded great.”
Well done Heidi!
Celebrating Student Achievements
Parents and Carers, if there is an achievement that happens in your child's life outside of school (sporting achievements, musical successes etc), please let the Sub School Coordinators know, as we would like to acknowledge their success.