Lots of fun and games in STEAMworks over the last few weeks with students exploring TinkerCAD, coding with Thymio and participating in a LEGO Battlebot tournament!
Sally Stepniewski
Head of STEAM and Data
Year 7 Science
This term in Year 7 Science, students are learning all about forces. As part of this unit they have two competitions - The Egg Drop and the Elastic Band Car Racers.
Here, 7E are completing their Egg Drop. Students were required to design, build and test a contraption that will enable them to drop an egg from 2 meters onto a hard surface and survive.
They had a limited number of supplies to use in their design including; plastic straws, sticky tape, popsicle sticks, plastic bag, ziplock bag, string and newspaper.
Year 8 Science
Year 8 students are learning about the Respiratory System. They have been dissecting lungs, heart and liver (Sheep Pluck) to learn more about this important part of our bodies.
Sara Schulz
Head of Science