VALE - Genaha Thompson
Assistant Principal
In the late 1990’s I had the privilege of participating in the recruitment of a graduate physical education and mathematics teacher. There were many applicants but one clearly stood out as a person who was going to be a great teacher and asset to Lilydale High School. Her name was Genaha Pinnock, later to become Genaha Thompson.r
Genaha didn’t disappoint. She was a master Mathematics teacher and excelled in teaching PE. She had a particular passion for passing on her netball knowledge, having played at representative level herself.
Genaha went on to hold many leadership positions in her 24 years at LHS: Head of Sport, Head of Year 9, Head of Junior School and finally Assistant Principal. It was as Assistant Principal that Genaha excelled, her leadership of the school was exemplary making LHS a school sought out by many families for its programs and education.
It would take pages to describe Genaha’s contribution to the Lilydale High community. She was always looking for ways to improve the school for the students and was one of the most loyal, honest and hardworking people you will ever meet.
Whilst Genaha had bravely and without complaint, battled health issues over the years, we were all shocked and devastated to learn on August 15, that she had passed away early in the morning.
Our thoughts have been with Genaha’s wonderful and loving family over the past days and we will continue to stay in touch with them.
I would like to thank our school community for your messages of support and understanding.
I think Leading Teacher, Matt Nicholls summed it up best, when he wrote;
‘the school has lost a giant’
Wendy Powson