Learning and Teaching in 5/6C

Celebrating National Science Week in the Senior School



Healesville Sanctuary Excursion


The 5/6 level were fortunate enough to visit Healesville Sanctuary, which provided a unique, real-world learning experience for the students to explore Australia’s natural world and wildlife. It was a place where we could see and interact with native wildlife in a stunning bushland setting. 


We were lucky enough to discover the diversity of Australian animals, their amazing adaptations and the environmental conditions they need to survive.


Informed by their learning, the 5/6 students were encouraged to reflect on actions they could take to help care for wildlife. Throughout the day Wurundjeri culture and sustainability principles further enriched our learning.


We learnt:

  • About animal adaptations and survival
  • About sustainability and effective ways to care for our environment
  • How to gather information about real world conservation issues
  • How we can make a difference in their world



“What Stuck With You Today?”

“How smart the birds were.” Hugo


“I found the Spirits of the Sky fascinating! Seeing all of the birds glide above our heads was incredible! Kevin the long-grilled correla had to have been one of my favourites. His dance moves were spectacular!” Lara


“At Healesville Sanctuary I found the spirits of the sky very interesting. My favourite bird was Kevin because he could talk and say funny things. I learnt what an Eclectus Parrot was and what a buzzard was. It was a very fascinating day to remember.” Izzy


“I loved the bird show because Healesville showed so many types of birds and they all did so many different things.” William


“What stuck with me was when I learnt that black breasted Buzzards break emu eggs by hitting with a stone in its beak” Xavier 


“I learnt that the best way to train animals is through positive reinforcement. Meaning when they do it they get rewarded.” Wade


“At the sanctuary I learnt a lot about animal adaptation and the land they need. Like how Rock Wallabies need rocky terrain for hiding and finding food, or skinks that need water and air.” Angus


“We learnt that a brush tail wallaby uses their tail to jump higher. And we saw a talking parrot and it was so cool.” Georgette


“What stuck with me was the bird Kevin. He was really cute and funny. He could talk, dance and make us laugh! I also learned about the black breasted buzzard. The bird that can break an emu egg with its beak.” Georgia


“I learnt that birds get trained at different speeds depending on their type.” Thomas


“That Kevin could talk to us and how all the birds follow instructions.” Jazmin


“What stuck with me today was Kevin the talking bird and that platypuses are nocturnal.” Jaxson


“The bird show and how the birds talked.” Roman

BricksforKidz Incursion


Our Bricks 4 Kidz® incursion commenced with an instructor-led class presentation and group discussion around the concept of the day.  We then used TECHNIC® LEGO bricks with motors to bring educational concepts to life, as we built a moving model exclusively designed by Bricks 4 Kidz®.


The students were curious and inquisitive and the incursion stimulated and awakened observation and exploration skills.  The BRICKS 4 KIDZ® approach to learning was imaginative, multi-sensory and fun, creating a dynamic STEM learning experience for all the students.




Celebrating STEM in 5/6 

  • Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
  • Creativity & Problem-Solving
  • Spatial Intelligence
  • Coding
  • Robotics
  • Building
  • Digital Technology
  • Organisation
  • Following Directions
  • Sequencing
  • Goal-Directed Persistence
  • Fine-Motor Skills
  • Cooperation & Teamwork