Assistant Principal Report

Dear Families,

We hope that you are all keeping well and coping as best you can during Lockdown 5.0. I’d like to express my sincere gratitude for the way in which you are continuing to support your children, as they work online. Your support is ensuring that our students continue to feel connected to our school, teachers and their friends. 

Not too long before the 5.0 Lockdown we all had our hopes and dreams as well as plans for the rest of the year. Yet, it seems that life has been put on hold for an indefinite period of time. This unusual situation can impact us in different ways as we adjust to our new normal. Please find below some tips that may be helpful in staying positive and what habits are important for staying motivated in these strange times.

  1. Routine is key:

Research shows that routine is crucial if you want to stay positive and motivated. Waking up at the same time, going to bed at the same time and sticking to a daily schedule helps to give us a sense of rhythm and control.

  1. Healthy Body/Health Mind:

It is especially important to take care of ourselves in times like these, mentally and physically. Yoga, stretching, walks, meditation, warm baths – there are so many ways to stay fit and active. Staying active helps us to cope with unexpected changes.

The mind is equally important and keeping yourself busy with something that interests you is very important. It stimulates the brain and you learn new techniques to manage yourself during this challenging period.

  1. Embrace Your Emotions:

We need to remind ourselves that it’s okay to experience negative emotions from time to time. We all have experienced them because they are a natural part of life. Ensuring that we are getting enough sleep, sticking to a routine, exercising, taking regular breaks, eating well and taking some time to get out in our natural environment all helps us to stay positive. 

Thank-you all for your resilience, courage and continued support. We look forward to this Lockdown ending soon and our children returning to our school and their classrooms together with our staff.

‘Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle’, - Charles Glassman


Warmest Regards,

Kathy Cvitkovic
Kathy Cvitkovic










Melton West Primary School is a Child Safe School 

We hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school and base all our decisions on what’s best for the students. Please talk to a staff member if you have any concerns about a child’s safety at any time.