Diary Dates 


12th - School Closure Day: Staff Professional                  development

13th -  Term 3 Commences for Students

           - Young Mary Incursion @11:30am

           - Year Prep 2022 Family Interviews

15th - 16th -  Parent Support Group Meetings

16th - Western Metropolitan Region Cross Country

22nd -23rd - Parent Support Group Meetings


11th - Whole School Excursion to national Art Gallery

23rd -  Book Week

26th - Fooostcray District Athletics Carnival

27th - School Closure Day: Staff Professional Development Day


15th - Learning Conferences 2:00pm-8:00pm

          - Students Finish at 1:00pm

17th - End of Term 3.  Children finish at 1:00pm


4th - Term 4 Commences

18th -  Year Prep 2022 Transition Day 1: 9:00-11:00am

20th-22nd - Year 5/6 Camp to Camp Marysville

27th - First Reconciliation for Year 2 children @ 6:30pm