From the Principal's Desk

Welcome Back to Term 3
Welcome back to school!
It's so nice to be returning back to school under somewhat 'normal' conditions. This time last we were preparing for an extended stint of Remote and Flexible learning as Victoria went into hard lockdown. We transitioned into Phase 4 of our Continuous Learning Program (Remote and Flexible Learning); making adjustments to build upon the good ‘online’ habits our children had developed. We increased online interactions between students and teachers to enhance student connectedness and engagement and built upon rigour and routine.
So as we enter into a new term, we need to once again re-adjust our operations and look forward to the increased opportunities face-to-face learning provides in moving children along the continuum of learning.
School Operations
With the further easing of restrictions for Melbournians, we have adjusted our school operations accordingly and as of tomorrow, the following procedures will be put in place:
- Stop, Kiss and Drop signs will be removed meaning families can access classrooms and buildings, HOWEVER
- Masks must be worn by adults At ALL TIMES while indoors.
- Parents MUST register their attendance via the Government QR CODES available at the entrance of each building.
- The density limit of 1 person/2sq meters applies.
- Parents are invited to join their children for morning prayer providing they adhere to the above procedures.
- Morning and Afternoon drop-off and pick-ups will return to pre-COVID normal.
- When entering buildings please use the hand sanitiser available at each entrance.
- Families are welcome to join us for Morning Assemblies. Masks do not need to be worn outside unless we can't maintain the 1.5m social distancing rule.
Parent Support Group Meetings (PSGs)
Parent Support Group Meetings will be conducted this week and next for relevant families as per the information sent out last term. Meetings will take place face-to-face in the Library and Resource Centre. Please report to the school office first to register your attendance.
Student Portfolios
I trust that you have taken the time over the holiday period to celebrate your child's achievements with them as captured in their Portfolio. We ask that you please complete the parent comment section and return the portfolio to the class teacher THIS WEEK so that teachers can continue to build upon the samples of work.
Western Region Metropolitan Cross Country
This Friday we will have four representatives competing in the Western Region Metropolitan Cross Country Championships: Alison Feely, Kaea Mauriohooho, Chiara Avery, and Naomi Gebremeskel.
We wish them well and trust they will represent our school with pride!
Prep 2022 Family Interviews
This week I have commenced meeting all our new children and families commencing Year Prep 2022. This is always an exciting time as we begin our Transition Program and get to know a little bit more about them.
With placements almost full I ask that any family who is still yet to submit an application (or knows of anyone who is yet to select a school for their child starting Prep in 2022) do so immediately.
Applications can be accessed, completed and submitted via:
ABC Music
Please be advised that ABC Music group is now taking new Keyboard, Guitar and Voice enrolments for Term 3. Details below:
Please see below for the days in which your children are to wear their sports uniform in
Term 3 -
Prep NV: Thursday and Friday
Prep LV: Thursday and Friday
1/2B: Tuesday and Wednesday
1/2C: Tuesday and Wednesday
1/2R: Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 3K: Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 3S: Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 4W: Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 5/6A: Thursday and Friday
Year 5/6S: Thursday and Friday
Please be advised that Miss Jane Wilkinson will be on Leave until 26th July and Mrs Nives Childs will be taking leave between 19th July and 3rd August.
School Closure Day
Please be advised that our next School Closure Day: Staff Professional Development Day will be Friday 27th August
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Anthony Hyde