Community News

Mt St Joseph's Girls College
Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College Altona invites applications for Year 7 in 2023 before the closing date of 20 August 2021. To apply, please follow this link to our website:
Emmanuel College News
Welcome back to school for the second half of 2021. We have some exciting things coming up this term that the students will love being involved with. Our extensive transition program continues with the Games Night approaching for the Year 6s joining us next year. This is a terrific opportunity for the students to meet new friends, some teachers and have some fun before they even start at their new school.
Ski Camp and the Music camp are both coming up later this term as well as the termly interschool sports programs continuing. Our Annual Alumni Business Breakfast will occur on 18 August where former Olympian Andrew Gaze will come and join us for a chat there really is something for everyone.
Our next main event is the College Information Morning which is being held on Saturday 7 August 2021 at both campuses.
Notre Dame commencing at 9.00 am
St Paul’s Campus commencing at 10.30 am
Registrations are essential and can be made by visiting the tours and events tab on the right-hand side of the homepage of the College website, We would love for you to come along.
Also, it is important to note that we are approaching the closing date for applications for Year 7, 2023, which is Friday 20 August 2021. A prospectus Pack containing an application form can be requested from the school by using the enrolment information tab on the College website, by emailing, calling the College Registrar on 8325 5119 of visiting the friendly reception staff at either campus.