What's happening in our learning spaces? 

Year 5/6

Welcome back to all the Year 5/6 students and families. The students are to be congratulated on the manner in which they have settled back into school for Term 3 and how they conducted themselves during camp to Weekaway.  It has also been great to hear about what the students got up to during their holiday break.  


In Religion, the students are learning about Forgiveness and Reconciliation through Rembrandt's famous painting of the Return of the Prodigal Son.  


In Literacy, the students are writing their reflections about camp. They will be viewing the many photos and videos we have taken and writing a 5 /6 Newsletter for the following week about their experiences. 


In Mathematics, students will be focusing on Division and Data Representation. 


In Inquiry, the students will be exploring NAIDOC week and undertaking many activities to learn about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’ culture. 


We look forward to a fantastic term ahead!

Michelle Casamento, Cherrie Arnold, Viviana Clarke & Olivia Sargent

Year 5/6 teachers.


Some pics to view - more to come later.