Secondary School News

Secondary School News

It is week 6 in a very busy term that has been made more complicated by the lockdown for Metropolitan Melbourne.

Year 10 students are completing their subject selections and thinking carefully about possible post school options after having completed Careers Week earlier in the term. The panels are running on line and students need to check their emails for their appointment times. 

Next week we will be running a similar system for our Year 11s choosing their Year 12 subjects.   Following these panel sessions there will be a separate set of times for year 9s to discuss possible enhancements as part of their year 10 studies in 2022.


Thanks to all the staff and in particular the home group teachers who have put so much effort in to supporting the whole group through this this exciting and demanding process. 


All secondary students have been working well in difficult circumstances so thanks everyone for your efforts to support all our young people. At times, we know, keeping in touch and up to date with school work can be challenging.

Please remember we are here if you need to make contact or have any concerns.


Our Wellbeing team has just posted some additional information on Compass but I have copied it here as well. is a website for young people and has a series of quizzes including a Mental Health check up that you can do online. After you get the results, it gives you ideas and solutions for improving your mental health.There are also three online courses, one for students aged 14-16 and the other two for parents/carers to support their young people. The poster giving more detail about the course for young people is  attached. These courses seek to develop resilience and help get through the tough stuff in life. The second parent course is called Navigating Teenage Depression.  The poster with information about the parent courses can be viewed via the web address below because It wouldn't load on Compass: Please have a look and give them a go.Collingwood College Well-being Team



 Keep safe and keep in touch,



Judith Clelland

Assistant Principal

Secondary Education



Facts about sleep for parents and school staff

Sleep is very important for good health. There is an informative article on the WELLBEING PAGE about sleep - advising about what helps and how to tell if your young person is getting enough sleep or not.