Curriculum & Pedagogy 

Semester Reports

Students and families will be able to access the Semester 1 Report via Compass at the end of the term.  Teachers have been carefully observing and assessing students in order to make accurate judgements regarding academic achievements, learning growth and work habits across all subject areas. We encourage all families to continue to have open conversations with their children about their learning as they move through Secondary school.  Below are some tips for discussing the Semester Report with your child:

Ask them to share the subject report they are most proud of first. Sharing success allows for more open and constructive discussions later on.Ask whether anything in their report was a surprise to them. This will give you insight into how well they can discuss their school experience including how they best learn.Choose one of their Common Assessment Task results and ask them to explain to you what that assessment was about.Use the Work Habits information to chat about what they are going to work on improving next Semester.Finally, ask them how they feel about their overall report and if there is anything that you, as their family, could help them with next Semester.

Spotlight: Year 10 Exams

Our Year 10 students finished the Semester by sitting their exams in all core and Art/Tech subjects. May, Gurleen, Jazz and Jess share how their first Year 10 exam experience went.

How do you feel you went overall?

May: Good. A lot of effort went into studying. We were unsure how to study so we were experimenting with what worked for us.


What did you feel was your strongest exam performance?

Jess: Science- I had a lot to learn so I studied the content so I could remember. A lot of effort went into revision.

Jazz: English and Hums- I was more interested in the topics and more focused during the classes.


What will you do differently to prepare for your Semester 2 exams?

All: Start studying earlier!

May: Consistency is important. Keeping notes in one place throughout the Semester and remembering and revising constantly. Most of us put our energy into Maths and Science because the revision was clear. 


What did you learn about yourself during this period?

May: That I am a huge procrastinator.

Jaz: That I can actually do things!

Jess: That I am capable.

Gurleen: In the end you get it done either way-even if you procrastinate.


What advice would give to Year 9's moving into exams next Semester?

Gurleen: Don’t cram! 

Jess: Start studying at least 2 weeks before the exams. Practice and use it to your advantage because it will help in VCE.

May: The more work you put in the more you will find your way. Establish what works best for you in Year 10 so it’s easier for VCE.

PLC Celebration

As we come to the end of another busy term, our teachers had the opportunity to celebrate their ongoing professional learning this Semester. Continuous improvement remains the core focus of the work we do to improve student learning. Teachers were given the opportunity to share their practice with their colleagues, focusing their conversations on student growth. Sharing of teaching practice allows teachers to create a community that fosters collaboration. Congratulations to all staff involved for demonstrating our School Value ‘Look to inspire yourself and others’

Attitudes to School Survey

All students will be participating in the Attitudes to School Survey early in Term 3. This is an annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools in gaining an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students are asked about their learning, their teachers, how they feel about coming to school everyday and about their wellbeing and safety. Here at ECSC we value student voice and use the results of the survey to assist us in making decisions around how to tailor our teaching and learning, Middle and Senior school and Wellbeing programs to best suit the needs of the students at our College.  


By Taryn Godley - Assistant Principal - Curriculum & Pedagogy 

& Sara Mamone- LT Curriculum & Pedagogy