Attendance Update

End of Semester 1, 2021

It is hard to believe that we have reached halfway through the 2021 school year already. There are a lot of positives in regards to attendance, but of course a lot of room for improvement as well.

The Stats at the end of Semester 2

Overall, the College has an average attendance of 82.30%. While it is fantastic to see that the vast majority of our students are regularly engaging in their learning, we continue to strategize around improving the attendance of the remaining percentage. 

We aim for an average attendance of 90% in each class, year level and across the College.

As of the end of Semester 2, the average attendance of each year level is:

  • Year 7 - 85.75%
  • Year 8 - 83.46%
  • Year 9 - 80.71%
  • Year 10 - 79.27%

We look forward to increased attendance and a more consistent Semester 2, hopefully without any lockdowns!


Kind regards,


Anthony Asta

Leading Teacher - Timetabling & Data Management