Middle School Report

Middle School would like to thank you for the ongoing support you have provided during the term. Without your support, having students attend school everyday in the correct uniform with resources needed to learn, is not possible.
We have had students receive rewards for house points. We sent out a survey asking students for their feedback on what they want for a reward. Students had many choices to select from for their rewards, ranging from having their favourite songs play for the music before the bell, making milkshakes to having a frozen coke from McDonalds. More rewards will be coming in term 3!
Current highest house point earners:
Bobby Lambevski 8H
Najma Mohamed 7G
Kaitlyn Cashen 7B
Mary Elise Kanindot 7B
Aydin Koc 7B
Caleb Khalif 7B
Japleen Kaur 7G
Leyla Zdraveska 9A
Rayenne Kodsi 7G
Arush Sanjyal 8H
Congratulations to the following students who have achieved 100% attendance for term 3.
Students learn new things at school every day. Attending and participating in school will help your child develop important skills and knowledge to help them learn social and emotional skills such as good communication, resilience and teamwork. A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn.
Year 7
Indiana Barnard
Isabella Bottaro
Bella Crea
Andrew Dinh
Collin Elambasseril
Mannatpreet Kang
Kevin Lay
Miguel Resurreccion
Harsimar Sing
Gabriella Stamenkoska
Laurelle Tutagalevao
Year 8
Bella Hilario
Marc Newman
Cielo Quinto
Alisha Sharma
Nishtha Sharma
Babaljot Virk
Year 9
Xuan Chong
Chhavi Joshi
Reina Lay
Vraj Patel
Jashandeep Virk
We hope everyone enjoys the semester break and we look forward to seeing you all back for term 3!
Year 7 Update
It’s hard to believe that year seven students are halfway through their first year of high school already! We have enjoyed getting to know students and seeing them develop over the past six months. Students have had new subjects, made new friends and learnt new skills. Just this week we were fortunate enough to have had a special guest speaker from the Pat Cronin foundation to educate students about the impacts of violence as well as our very first student-led conference for the year. Next term, we look forward to rescheduling the Project Rockit presentation as well as the Whittlesea Tech experience for students to attend.
Another huge congratulations to Noraah Dhhumi in year seven who won first place in a national writing competition ‘Write4Fun’. We are very proud of her achievement and want to thank all students that entered their writing pieces. Noraah’s winning entry is featured in this week's newsletter for you to enjoy!
Here are some words from one of our Year Seven leaders
Hi, my name is Vivian and I'm 13 years old. This year I started year 7 at Edgars Creek Secondary College (ECSC). So far it has been great! I’ve had the opportunity to make TONES of new friends and meet most of the lovely staff and teachers here at Edgars Creek. I’ve also had a chance to apply for leadership positions, FORTUNATELY I got the position of Sustainability Captain! One of the other highlights for me is the Sports Gym because now we can do sports inside on wet days. I have also enjoyed going to the year 7 camp with all my friends, especially the part when we got to go in the river in the little boats, and then everyone started jumping into the water!
- Vivian Chand 7D
High school has been very interesting. You get to make a lot of friends and meet new teachers. At first, I had trouble remembering all the buildings names and where they were but going into term 3 I now know where all the buildings are located and all their names. Something I found different was coming into a school that did not have a gym but now the gym is ready for us to play sports in and hold our school assemblies in.
- Hemal Sharma 7B
Wishing you a great break and looking forward to welcoming students back in full winter uniform in term three on Tuesday 13th of July.
Year 8
A massive congratulations to all Year 8 students for persevering on, until the end of Term 2 despite interruptions. Year 8 Students have shown great resilience and ability to adapt to our current climate- Well done! Many students were required to complete their CATs for their subject over the remote learning period and their classroom teachers have recognised the great effort and continuity, despite the challenge.
Overall, Term 2 for Year 8 has been jam-packed with activities. From our Lady Northcote camp, to inter-school sports, students have been able to demonstrate our school values in the wider community and should be really proud of themselves.
Wishing all parents/guardians and students a relaxing term break. It is well-deserved.
We hope to see students refreshed and ready for Term 3 in their full winter uniform on Tuesday 13th of July.
Year 9
Year 9 students have continued to participate in cooking food for the Whittlesea Food Collective. Last week 9C made a lot of Minestrone Soup which will be enjoyed by members of the community who suffer from food insecurity. We are in discussions with the Food collective to continue the program in term 3.
From the Middle School Team.