Special Feature - Student Achievement

Student Work
Love, Eternal
But, like water, our love is unwavering
We are still moving, flowing, and drowning each other
There is nothing melancholy about it; it is heartbreaking and chaotic
Then there are the times when we have our best days
The days when our love feels flawless and we are more in love than ever
These are the days that will feel great at first, but then hurt the worst
Because at night, as the sun sets and the water settles, we're drifting apart
And when today turns into yesterday, I know we won't be able to resist
We'll revert to the pair we once were, breaking quietly and crashing into each other
Not realising we’re only hurting ourselves
We will scream and experience joy
And just like that when the sun slips over to the other side of our earth
And it is no longer in our hearts to insight hate
Our waters will become calm again
And we will once again be lovers
- Noraah Dhhumi's winning poem for the national 'Write4Fun' competition.
There were over 7500 students from year levels P-12 nationally whom entered this competition. Noraah won the Poetry section of the competition.
Frame, Capture and Edit
For the final practical Year 9 Frame, Capture and Edit class, students went on a local excursion to a park to take some photographs focusing on the technique of long shot and macro photography. Below are some examples of their work.
Extra Extra, Read All About It
The below pieces of work were completed for the Year 9 selective subject 'Extra Extra, Read All About It'. Students had to research, plan and design their own mock social media campaign that focused on a positive message for teenagers. Both Yasemin Koc (9D) and Mila Apostolovska (9C) chose to focus their campaigns on body positivity and they both did a fantastic job. Well done!
Year 8 Media
These work samples are from the ‘Genre Movie Poster’ CAT for Year 8 Media. Students had to reflect their knowledge of genre conventions through the practical design of a movie poster on a genre of their choice. Students did a fantastic job and created some well designed movie posters.