Prep - Year 2

Assistant Principal's Report

Scott McKinnon

Hello, Springers' community - what a wonderful last two weeks it has been to be back on site as a school with a strong focus on learning to finish off the term.


In Prep, students have been learning to recognise the importance of manners and reflecting on things that they are grateful for. They have focussed on the letters x and w in Reading, and enjoyed participating in 'Milo's Birthday Surprise Party' where they made party hats, played games and ate food all based on a book they have been using in classrooms.  Writing has continued to focus on stretching out sounds, creating sentences, using finger spaces and writing checklists, and in Mathematics, students have been learning to add two groups together to find the total. 



In Year 1, students have been learning to read words with the ay, ai and igh diagraphs. They have focussed on procedural writing and looked at the features of a procedural text including the materials, method, title and subheadings. In Mathematics, Year 1 students have moved from learning about counting patterns to fractions and time. Learning has focussed on describing how long events take, understanding the features of an analogue clock and reading the time to the hour and half hour.  Year 1 students also were lucky enough to have their 'Mad About Science' incursion this week where they explored how chemicals change and react to each other.


In Year 2, students are developing their ability to visualise as they read.  This involves students using clues in the text to create a mental image to assist their comprehension. Students have also been learning to compare and contrast information, identifying similarities and differences between characters, settings and events.  In Writing, students have been creating procedures that include a title, aim, materials, method with number steps and a recommendation.  Just like the Year 1's, Year 2 students are exploring time in Mathematics.  Students have been learning to identify the features of an analogue clock, model the language of half past, quarter past and quarter to and make connections between analogue and digital clocks. 


Take care of yourselves, your families and each other and we look forward to seeing everyone back after the break.



Scott McKinnon

Assistant Principal (Junior School)