Community News 

A reminder – dropping off and picking up around the School  

Please be respectful of our local and School community when parking/dropping off/picking up at and around the School. This includes not parking in School driveways, across crossings, across residents’ driveways, on nature strips and in No Standing and restricted areas. The local Council has been particularly active of late fining parents for parking across the crossing in Lillimur Road when dropping off and picking up children.

Please be mindful of parents waiting to drop off their children in the various zones around the School. If you could please drop your children off as quickly as possible and move on, regardless  of the time allowed, it will help reduce the level of congestion around the School and frustration experienced by waiting parents.


For parents of senior school students, please consider parking or dropping them off from nearby streets to walk the short distance to School. Parents who are using the 25 minute parking areas to escort their children into primary school, please vacate the area once your child is safely dropped off.

Uniform update

We have been advised by our uniform supplier, Bob Stewart in Bentleigh, that the School blazer is out of stock in certain sizes for boys. They expect to have stock back in store shortly. 


Bob Stewart is offering appointments for the WINTER uniform fitting from Monday 15 March until Thursday 1 April 2021.


TO BOOK - go to and click on your school page

Select the Link "BOOK AN APPOINTMENT" 

Pick a date and time and complete the booking.


If appointment times don't suit, you are welcome to visit the store during normal trading hours as below.


Mon - Fri 08:30am-5pm

Saturday:  09:30am-12:30pm


Please contact Bob Steward directly on 9036 7384 for further updates.

Keeping you connected with Kilvington

Camilla Fiorini, Director of Marketing and Development

As a community, it is important that you know where to go to get updates on what is happening at Kilvington in terms of your child and more broadly, particularly during COVID lockdown periods.


COVID has changed the way we communicate with you, with many missives including a ‘subject to change’ caveat, or it has been last minute as we wait for updates from the Victorian Government on restrictions. 


This is understandably frustrating for families. We ask for your patience during this strange new normal, as we do our best to get information to you/update information as quickly as possible. The best place to get the most up-to-date information is KCEE. 


For our new parents: KCEE is our Learning Management system where you can access and update information relating to your child including live academic results, calendar, events, activities, parent contact details in your child’s class or year level and news. A new feature in KCEE is a class page for all students. 


You can download the app from the App Store and remember to set how you would like to receive notifications from us.


You will find KCEE support information on the left-hand side of your parent dashboard.

New parents will have received access details including log-in details prior to commencing the new year. If you haven’t, please contact our IT Department on 9578 6231.


Consent2Go enables you to provide permission for your child to attend events and be photographed or filmed for Kilvington’s various platforms; update personal details; and, complete and update medical information.


Our Facebook Page is another way of staying in touch with events, activities, and news. Go to to ‘like’ our FB page. We are also on Instagram –  search kilvingtongrammarschool. 

And, of course, you will receive the School newsletter – In the Know – every fortnight. You will also receive School magazine, KNews, mid-year, and the Kilvonian (student yearbook) at the end of the year.


Communications Survey – Every year you will have the opportunity to provide feedback and rate how we are communicating with you. Thank you to all parents who completed the survey at the end of 2020. We received some excellent insights.


However, you don’t have to wait for the survey to provide your feedback. Feel free to contact me via or Deb Duce, with your questions, concerns or issues.

2021 PEP Talks parent survey

Each year, Kilvington holds a series of PEP Talks which focus on topics that have been identified as most pressing for our parents. 


We seek your assistance for this year’s program. We have come up with five themes and would love to hear your thoughts. We are also happy to consider other areas that you feel you could do with some additional information/support.


Once we have narrowed it down to two – three themes, we will approach experts in the field with an invitation to present to our parent community.


Thank you for your input. We look forward to creating an engaging and impactful PEP Talks series for 2021.


Please complete this ‘very’ short survey here.

2021 Student residential address collection 

The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment would like to advise you that a request has been made for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information as required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013 (Cth). 


The School is required to provide the department with the following information about each student at the School: 

  • Names and residential addresses of students’ parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
  • Student residential address (excluding student names)
  • Whether the student is a primary or secondary student (education level)
  • Whether the student is boarding or a day student (boarding status).

Please find more details in the attachment below.

Financial assistance - The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. 


Please find more information attached below.