Year 7/8 News

Linda Buckeridge
As the year comes to an end I would like to thank all of the families and students of the year 7 and 8 2020 cohorts for their ongoing support. It has most definitely been a challenging year but we have made it!!
In the last two weeks we have seen students across both year levels enjoy their Celebration Days, Wellbeing Days and Step Up Week. It has been a busy time for all but what a great time we have had.
We were lucky to have Beau Vernon come to the school and speak to students in Years 7,8,9. Beau is now a motivational speaker after an AFL football accident at the age of 23 that left him a quadriplegic. Beau provided students with a presentation on positive mindset, resilience and dealing with challenges – all themes that 2020 have left us all experiencing. He was inspirational and our students felt a clear connection to Beau from the moment he began speaking. Beau then spent an hour with each year level as they completed wellbeing based activities on the themes presented by Beau. We were honestly privileged to have Beau spend time with us here at CESC.
Students also had some awesome fun out with their peers, participating in a variety of team challenges and outdoor sporting activities. This was all wrapped up with a free BBQ prepared for the students by our staff.
Step Up has been a terrific experience to prepare our students for the commencement of 2021. There were many new learning opportunities and time was dedicated to develop new expectations and connections with teachers and peers.
We are looking forward to what we hope will be a “normal” 2021, but we do know that with what we have experienced this year, that the CESC community can tackle intense challenges head on and win! Bring it on!!
Take care everyone and Happy Holidays to you all.
In Year 8 Mandarin, students learnt about Chinese cuisines and food culture in China, and this was the first time they were able to participate in making and tasting Chinese dumplings since remote learning. Our students were more than thrilled to learn and test out their cooking skills with their friends, and take their treats back home to share with their family.
At the dumpling tasting event last week, we handed out over 900 boxes of individually packed, freshly made pan fried dumplings to Year 8 students. Students used their tickets to trade for a free box of dumpling to taste after learning about this most popular staple food in China.