From the Principal

As we approach the end of Term 4 2020, we take this moment to reflect on this year that was 2020. Throughout this year, we have experienced unprecedented events and lived our lives in a way that we would never have imagined possible, pre COVID. On both a personal level and as a community we have been challenged, tested, isolated and restricted, and yet we have grown, flourished, become more resilient, and found ourselves with a renewed appreciation and absorption for those ‘little moments’ that may have passed previously, without a conscious thought. I read somewhere once that ‘Life constantly presents the greatest opportunities brilliantly disguised as the biggest disaster.’ 2020 is no exception.
2020 to Cranbourne East Secondary College defined the year that teachers emerged stronger, more resourceful and incredibly focused. The aim to deliver quality education with a priority emphasis on wellbeing always at the forefront of every action ensured that this is exactly what they did. Teachers adapted to new strategies and applications in a manner they had never before and learning continued, despite the climate surrounding us all. To our wonderful teachers, thank you.
Students should be commended for their patience, resilience and willingness to adapt to change. They remained connected as best they could with their teachers and their peers and together have emerged on the other side, stronger, wiser and so much more aware. To all our wonderful students, thank you.
Parents became involved in their children’s education to a far greater level and for their patience and incredible support, we thank you.
Term 4 has witnessed the transition from remote back to onsite and the slow emergence of normality. We have arrived at Week 11, almost coming full circle, with the recollection of time on fast forward and yet ironically, simultaneously standing still.
I would like to wish our school community a very Merry Christmas and the happiest and safest of holidays and sincerely hope you all enjoy your well-deserved holiday break with loved ones and friends.
We look forward to seeing you all in 2021.
Stay safe and well
Carys Freeman
Acting Principal