Year 3 - Genius Hour

Year 3 Genius Hour - crochet

At the end of Term 3, the Year 3's showcased their Genius Hour presentations to the NMPS community. 

Genius Hour is an inquiry-driven, passion-based classroom strategy designed to excite and engage students through the unrestrained joy of learning. We (and many other Genius Hour teachers) accomplish this by setting aside time in our weekly classroom schedules when students are able to learn about and create whatever they want, unencumbered by teacher control.


Students were given one hour of class time per week to learn whatever they were curious or passionate about. Students had to research, plan, and present on their passion.

The results were incredible! We had a fashion show, a games arcade, a science lab, a tech station, a creative hub, and an arts space. They created working volcanoes, taught themselves to crochet, made lava lamps, designed cat toys, built rockets and skate ramps, cooked from recipes, and everything in between! 


Students developed new skills and pushed themselves in their learning!  We love Genius Hour!