Message from Principal Sally

Welcome back to the final term 

On Sunday 6 October, I was delighted to attend a service by St Jude's Church in our school gym. Almost five years ago St Jude's was damaged by fire and the congregation has been holding services and classes in our school in the interim. Shane Gillam confirmed to me that St Jude's final service at Errol Street will be on Sunday 20 October 2019. He thanked us for our patience and graciousness on the journey of temporary relocation and rebuilding. The members of the church community also made special mention and noted their appreciation to the staff for allowing classes to be held in their classrooms, the work of our cleaner, Mustafa and also the opportunity for the children of the congregation to have a play before, after and sometimes during the service. St Jude's have also made a significant contribution that will be used to sand and resurface our gym floor.

Curriculum Day 

Next Monday 14th October will be a Curriculum Day for our staff. Staff will be working with Educational Consultant, Deb Sukarna, focusing on the implementation of the Writers Workshop.


This work aligns with our current School Strategic Plan to improve student outcomes in Literacy, and with our 2019 Annual Implementation Plan focusing on building consistent practice in Writing across the school. 


Teachers will explore the following concepts on the day:

  • The organisation of the Writers Workshop (Prep – Year 6)
  • Purpose of the Writers Notebook
  • Writing Conference structure
  • Independent Writing routines


There will be NO SCHOOL for students on Monday 14th October.

Monday 4 November will be a Teacher Professional Development Day

On Monday 4th November teachers will be participating in First Aid Training. Regular classroom teachers will not be conducting their usual program, instead casual replacement teachers will provide supervision for students who attend.

Parents and Carers who choose to keep their children home on this day may enter their absence as a ‘Parent Choice’ absence on COMPASS.


No hat? No play!

Can you please ensure your child has a sun-smart hat with a wide brim for school in term 4?

Caps are not to be worn.

They will need it at school to wear at lunchtime and during PE classes. 

If they do not have a hat they will be limited to the shaded area out the front of the FLEX.

NMPS featured on the back page of the North West News

Thank you to Kristen Pepyat and the Prep team for putting this great article together.