Principal's News

Week 2


Dear Families,

Students have settled well into the term so far with students continuing this week to work with Rock Ed and are enthusiastically learning their songs and dance moves for concert. Our 2019 concert is called QUEST. Its blend of memorable fairytale folk, appealing heroes and catchy songs. More details will follow in the next weeks.


Grades are settling into their new Inquiry unit- Discovery. You will notice in the Home Learning over the next couple of weeks some activities that are encouraging them to  investigate some new and exciting learning. 

Prep Enrolments

We've had a continuing number of new families enrolling at our school. It is such a great experience to show them around the school and introduce them to our happy students and our very welcoming classroom teachers. 


We have already completed a large number of Prep welcome meetings last term and will be conducting more over the next few weeks. 


If you have not enrolled your younger sibling yet please speak to Julie as we begin to think through our grade structures for next year.