Senior School

Senior School

Term 3 is particularly busy for Senior School. We are in the final months for the Year 12s, and both Year 11 and Year 10 students will be choosing their subjects next week for 2019. We remind the Year 12s to keep persisting through their numerous SACs and assessments, knowing they are very close to that finishing line!


Year 11 – 12 Subject Selection

Current Year 11 students will be choosing their subjects for Year 12 on Monday 20th August. A timetable will be emailed to students later this week. Any student who wishes to speak to someone about their subjects needs to either approach Senior School, or make an appointment with a member of the Careers team. VCAL interviews are being held this week, and students will be advised of the outcome of these prior to Subject Selection next Monday.


Yr. 12 VTAC Interviews

Current Year 12s have just started their VTAC Interviews. Every Year 12 must attend their interview, regardless of whether or not they are applying for courses through VTAC. Careers will assist with whatever pathway students are planning for in 2019. Every students individual appointment is on Compass for them.


Year 12 Revision – September Holidays

During the September holidays, there will be a number of revision sessions and practice exams held. It is vital anyone studying a Year 12 subject attends and actively engages in these sessions. A recent post on Compass outlined some sessions being run by the Maroondah Secondary Schools Partnership. These will be held at Norwood, with a cost of $30 per student per session. There will be other sessions and practice exams held here at RSC. Teachers are currently signing up for these, and a timetable will be published the week starting 3rd September.


Year 12 Celebration Day

As the year is rapidly flying past, there is some important information regarding the final weeks of Year 12 classes. In term 4, Year 12 classes will run from Monday 8th October to Monday 22nd October inclusive. Celebration Day is Tuesday 23rd October. On this day, parents are invited to a breakfast on the Tuesday morning. Further details will be provided on Compass. Additionally, students have the option to continue their Celebration Day at Funfields. The event is on Compass, at a cost of $60 which covers buses, entry to Funfields and a BBQ lunch. A minimum of 110 students is required for the event to proceed. There is a strict date for payment of 19th September. No late payments can be accepted.


Valedictory Reminder

A reminder that the Year 12 Valedictory is on Friday 23rd November at Melbourne Park. It will be a fantastic night to celebrate the achievements of all Year 12 RSC students this year. Tickets are still available through TryBooking. Please use the following link to book, if you haven’t as yet.


Cathy Menz

Senior Sub School Leader