Learning Disabilities & Difficulties
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
What is ADHD?
The term ADHD (previously known as Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD) is used to describe a neurodevelopmental disorder with a recognised and persistent pattern of behaviour. ADHD begins at birth and in most cases persists to some degree throughout the lifespan.
When people think of ADHD they tend to think of overactive, noisy boys who are disruptive in class and won’t sit still. In reality, ADHD affects both sexes and all age groups. Also, hyperactivity is only one part of ADHD and may not be relevant at all for some children. When present, the hyperactivity often burns out by adulthood.
The core features of ADHD include difficulties with:
- Keeping attention on the task at hand
- Avoiding distraction
- Getting started on tasks (procrastination)
- Maintaining mental effort to get the job done
- Remembering to do things
- Losing or misplacing things
- Being impulsive (acting without thinking things through)
- Planning and organising
- Making good use of time (including being on time)
- Managing emotions such as frustration and boredom
A common presentation would be someone (male/female, child/adult) who has difficulty maintaining attention, is easily distracted and forgetful, may be somewhat restless and fidgety, is likely to act without thinking, and needs direction to stay on task and get things done. Some people may have occasional outbursts of intense emotion that are short-lived and usually triggered by frustration.
People with ADHD are frequently labelled as being lazy, which is unfair and unhelpful. In reality, people with ADHD often have to work twice as hard just to stay on track. Simple tasks that can seem easy to others can feel like a mountain to someone with ADHD. People with ADHD can become mentally tired from constantly trying so hard. But when they are really interested in a task they will hyperfocus and can excel. People with ADHD are often creative thinkers with a lot of energy.
Parents are also often blamed for their child’s ADHD. They are accused of not providing appropriate discipline. While some of the parents themselves may also have ADHD (often without knowing it) and may not always be consistent with their parenting skills, the reality is that children with ADHD are harder to parent, even for a parent who has excellent parenting skills and no ADHD. Children with ADHD typically don’t pay attention, they don’t remember things, they may be more active, and they typically act without thinking of the consequences, despite what their parents may have taught them. They are often less fearful of negative consequences because they do not consider those consequences at the necessary time. Not all children react the same way to parental instruction. Parenting behaviour does not cause ADHD, although lack of parenting skills will not help the situation.
No-one chooses to have ADHD, just like no-one chooses their eye colour. But people with ADHD can choose to do something about their symptoms. If left untreated, ADHD can be a troublesome disorder that affects self esteem and interferes with relationships, education, and career progression. With support, ADHD can be an understandable but manageable frustration.
Further Reading
Learning Disabilities / Difficulties / Differences
Apart from the typical learners, typically around 75% - 80% of students, there are three broad groups of students in classrooms:
1) Learning Difficulty
Learning Difficulty is an umbrella term that describes the 15 - 20% of students who experience difficulty with learning for a variety of reasons. these can include (not an exhaustive list):
- long absences from school
- differences in early language and literacy experiences due to environmental opportunity
- can be but not always linked to social gradient
- chronic middle ear infections
- uncorrected vision impairment and or unaided hearing impairment
- instructional casualties (poor teaching)
2) Learning Disability
Students with learning disabilities are neuro - atypical. Their problem with learning have an intrinsic, neuro - biological basis. These students typically respond less well or more slowly to instructional supports and may need specialist educational / clinical support. these students may receive a diagnosis such as Specific Learning Disorder, Language Disorder, Dyslexia, ADHD, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia etc
3) Intellectual impairment
These are students present with IQ below 70th percentile. This includes approximately 2 - 3% of all students.
There are many learning disabilities and difficulties that teachers are required to be knowledgeable about. Students can present with one or many of these difficulties:
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Dyslexia
- Dysgraphia
- Dyscalculia
- Dyspraxia
- Language Disorder
- Intellectual Disability
- Tourettes Syndrome
- Severe Behaviour Disorder
- Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Schools and their communities must treat students with disability and their families with respect. Schools must follow the Disability Standards for Education.
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
In Australia we have law that protect us. Laws are the rules that everyone must follow. Law are made by
- Governments
- Legal systems including the courts
The laws are there so that we can all:
- Be treated fairly
- Feel safe
- Take part in the community
- Respect each other
In Australia, DDA is a law that says people with disability must be treat fairly. People also have to treat you fairly if you:
- look after someone with a disability
- use equipment or an aide to help you
- have a dog or other animal who helps you to get around
What is a disability?
- Your body is not working in the right way
- your body has something that will stop it working the way in the future
- You find it hard to learn no matter how hard you try
- Your thoughts and feelings make life difficult for you sometimes or all the time
If you are a student with a disability you have the right to take part in education just like all other students. Students have the right to:
- Go to the school they choose
- Do the same sorts of things at school that others do
- Be taught in the way that works best for them
- Get the support they need to be at school, to learn and be assessed
- Be treated with respect