Parents and Friends

An Update from Parents and Friends

P & F have had a busy start to Term 3 with the pie fundraiser from Out of Dough in Morwell.  If you haven’t heard how good their pies are (very yummy), you will have to wait until next year!  Our Out of Dough fundraiser is always a good freezer filler for busy winters nights when there’s no time to cook!

Hot Lunches, thanks to Em Morris and helpers have rolled out two great feeds for the kids this term with spaghetti and pizza.  Thanks to all those who helped.

Father’s day stall last week was a huge success with lots of different quality choices to pick from.  Thanks again to all who helped set up and man the stall.


Next hot lunches will be 17th September for Footy day… this will be a free pie/sausage roll for all kids.


Loch Foodies will next be meeting for lunch at the Kernot Store on the 12th October, all parents/grandparents welcome. 

Please RSVP at the school office.