From Principal Team 

This week has been a week of surprises. 


We have had Wendy and Shannon from Victoria Police come and share how to avoid being in difficult situations where something inappropriate is said in haste that can be retracted and the importance of making good choices and not being influence by the groups thinking.


Orientation day for our 2022 Year 7’s was well received and each student took away a new experience and a stress ball to squeeze whenever they are anxious about life as a secondary student.


The snake man collected a copperhead snake from an office while another buried itself under the garden planters.  This is a timely reminder to all to Stay Alert as there is lots of wildlife out and about. Keep safe and don’t panic. 


The celebration of Multiple Intelligence Award winners was pure joy.  The acknowledgement of an enormous range of skills and talents was very confirming for students, families and staff. Our very first subject awards for senior students highlighted and showcased the hard work and aspirations for significant pathways into the future,


Please enjoy your weekend and we look forward to our last week of 2021 learning.


Kerrie, Bill and Bonnie