Visual Art News

EDSC Art Show Launch November 5th 2021

At 7pm Friday November 5,  the 2021 EDSC VCE Art Show was successfully launched on YouTube.


Due to the obvious limitations of another year of Social Distancing thanks to Covid-19, we returned to using this digital forum, deciding it was clearly our best way to share the amazing folios of the VCE Studio Arts, Visual Communication Design & Design & Technology students with our school community, in the absence of being able to hold an Art Show onsite at school.


And what can I say? Without exception the folios on show were exemplary, visually bowling us all over with their mixture of complexity, maturity, and technical and creative skills.  As a collective the students should be extremely proud of their ability this year to transcend and conquer the limitations and constraints of such a rocky time in 2021. The folios on show really did speak volumes regarding the extraordinary efforts of these students in an incredibly challenging year. They really did themselves proud! Congratulations to them one and all!


Congratulations also to all the VCE teachers involved; Mr Easton, Ms Parker and Ms Pham and an extra HUGE special thank you to our Media-Wiz extraordinaire Mr Lamb, who took on the gigantic task of assembling the student folios into one coherent and stylish video production, as well as coordinating the YouTube launch on the night. It is no small exaggeration to say we would not have had the ability to share the students' work in this dynamic way to the school community without his kindness, selfless-dedication, and expertise. He really is a marvel!


For those who couldn't view the 2021 EDSC Art Show on the night, you can still watch it as an unlisted, private YouTube video using the above URL. 


All the best to the VCE students in their exams! 


Warwick Bennett

Visual Arts Coordinator