Endeavour House News


Welcome back to the last term of 2021.  We all know how fast Term Four goes by and already it is nearly half way through. We welcome back Taylah Wisewould for the remainder of term. Taylah was with us this time last year, as her mum returns to Ravensthorpe for harvest. 


Sienna Ball has returned to Dumbleyung to work at CBH and Alice Nixon is currently completing a three-week teaching practice in Albany. Consequently, there may be some new faces in Endeavour, with supervisors from other Houses helping over the remainder of the term. 

Year Nine Transition

The Year Nines have been spending Thursday evenings having dinner with the senior girls and completing their Prep in Breaksea House. This assists their transition and we have seen that they are ready to spread their wings and move to the senior house. I however, am not ready to let them go, although I know it is time for them to move on. After three years with this delightful group, I’ll be sad to see them go. 

Dinner Times

The Endeavour boarders are pleased that the Dining Hall is complete and they can return to the 6.00pm dinner timeslot with the Anchorage boarders. We were unable to all fit previously with COVID-19 restrictions and now we easily fit everyone into the space.  On Thursday we had our first set seating arrangement to encourage our Middle School boarders to socialise with others outside their friendship circle. We will continue to do this every Thursday for the remainder of the term. 


I’ve started nagging (oops I mean encouraging) the boarders to hang their washing on the line instead of using the dryer. The constant use of the dryer is not a good habit. With such a long wet winter it has been difficult to hang washing out until now. Long showers are my other frustration. These are two conversations we have regularly in our meetings as I encourage them to behave more sustainably. 


Recycling is also important and we try to recycle and use the compost bin for our food scraps and collect soft plastic recycling too.  I guess if the only two bad habits they get from boarding are long showers and using the dryer too often, then things are going okay. I’ll still keep reminding them!


We have had a few instances of the Endeavour boarders not following the school uniform requirements, mostly in regard to earrings. I’ve reminded them that they are not only representing the school, but also Endeavour and boarding, so it is extra important to get it right. We have discussed making a good finish and not letting our standards drop.


Every year in Endeavour we support a community minded activity together. This year our lovely leaders Xanthe O'Neill and Brianna Cunningham decided we would collect products and put in a bag for the #ItsInTheBag for the Share The Dignity organisation. Not only is it important that our teens see that other people may not be as fortunate as us, it is also researched that helping others, helps us.  The products we collect and donate go to those teen girls who spend Christmas in a domestic violence refuge, are experiencing homelessness or poverty. Products that are suitable are: sanitary products, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant (no aerosols) and soap or body wash. Could you please facilitate for your Endeavour boarder to either have the money to buy the products whilst shopping or purchase them for them and drop to Endeavour by Sunday 28 November.  I appreciate your efforts in supporting this great cause.  


Happy birthday to Katelin Woithe and Lysbeth Cunningham and to all who celebrated their birthdays with family and friends in October.  We wish Ashlyn Evans a happy birthday today.


Mrs Tara Ball | Head of Endeavour House