Curriculum & Pedagogy

Staff Induction Day 2022
Last week we welcomed our newly recruited teachers onsite for a day of induction around our teaching and learning culture here at the College. Teachers listened and joined in discussions around how we plan our curriculum, the use of data to monitor student attendance and learning growth and the importance of differentiating for all students. Our Critical friend, Bronwyn Ryrie Jones, also took them through a session outlining the research behind our Principles of Lesson Design and Delivery which is the College Instructional Model that outlines the core teaching strategies that are most effective in the classroom. We are really looking forward to having all of our new teachers onsite with us in 2022.
Embracing Learning
It has been encouraging to see so many of our students, of all year levels, jumping back into their learning with enthusiasm and commitment.
This is not always an easy thing to do after so much disruption but we admire those students and families who returned to school this term and participated in all there was on offer.
One of these key experiences were the Year 10 and Year 9 exams which ran from Week 9 onwards. Exams in Middle and early Senior school are opportunities for students to practice skills required in VCE and further education such as time management, writing stamina, using key vocabulary in answers and effective study skills.
Our teachers also worked diligently to ensure the exams were accessible for all students and provided enough of a challenge. George Conway, one of our Leading Teachers, created an exam for our Maths Applied students that took into consideration many of their interest areas connected to their chosen VCAL pathway for 2022 "Doing it this way was an engagement strategy while allowing students to demonstrate the same skills"
By Taryn Godley and Sara Mamone