Senior School Report

Outer Northern Trade Training Centre (ONTTC)
During 2021 9 students were awarded scholarship provided by CEO of the Whittlesea Local Learning & Employment Network (LLEN) to undertake the Trade Taster Program. The students attended each Tuesday during school, except during remote learning. The 9 students who received this opportunity to complete the ONTTC Trade Taster experience this year, were able to thank Kim Stadtmiller recently during her presentation on Structured Workplace Placements in 2022.
Pictured below Cooper Richards, Peter Saade and Jordan Micevski with Kim. They had such a great time, they will continue with a Certificate II Course in 2022. We would like to thank Adrian Konieczny, Assistant Principal ONTTC and Melissa Lozanovski Acting Principal at Peter Lalor Vocational College for hosting our students and we look forward to a continued partnership in 2022.
Course & Career Pathways 2022
We will be in contact with some families to support students so that they have the best chance of a successful pathway. Exam results have been discussed with students. This information is being used to counsel students and make possible subject changes.
Peter Lalor Orientation 2022
On Tuesday, 30th November the 2022 VCAL class attended a VET Orientation Day at Peter Lalor Vocational College and the Outer Northern Trade Training Centre (ONTTC). During the day the VCAL class completed the following activities:
- An introductory session on VET and Peter Lalor Vocational College
- A tour of the facilities of Peter Lalor and ONTTC
- A met and greet with some of the VET teachers that they will work with in 2022,
- FAQ session to find out more about VET.
- Students participated in two of the available VET courses in 2022; Sport and Recreation and Creative industries.
Throughout the day the VCAL students were able to ask questions about VET, their specific courses for next year and career pathways. We to take this opportunity to congratulate the VCAL classes who displayed the college values to a high standard throughout the day.
Step-Up Program into year 11
The VCE and VCAL program offered all students the opportunity to participate in a Step Up programs that were held last week. At the start of each Step Up program we held assemblies to provide students with global information to support learning next year. We explained some critical rules as set out by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), along with Senior School expectations, Individualised booklists and holiday homework for VCE students. All student commenced VCE & VCAL programs, with student starting on first areas of assessment.
Individualised Booklist for year 11 students
Students undertaking year 11 VCE and VCAL rely very heavily on ensuring they have the appropriate learning resources. In VCE, it is particularly important, to ensure that you purchasing the correct texts as each student is essential undertaking own individual program. All students in VCE have a novel to read and some work to complete during the summer break via google classrooms. Please communicate with your teachers if you have any concerns. Work is expected to be completed prior to return to school.
Note: Please be cognisant that if you change subjects then you will need to purchase the resource to support that subject.
2022 Expectations at Senior School
Please note, that in 2022 all Senior Students (year 10 -11) will be required to wear full school uniform to and from school. When students have Physical Education (PE) they will be required to bring their PE uniform and change at school. We seek your support in ensuring that your child has all the required items ready for the new school year in 2022 to ensure a successful year 11 program.
Senior School Agreement
All year 11 Senior School students will be required to sign the Senior School Agreement at the commencement of the 2022 school year, to acknowledge their commitment to rights & responsibilities associated with being in year 11. This Agreement will cover mobile phone requirements as per Victorian Government specifications, use of ear pods, head phones, ready to learn expectations (punctuality, equipment etc) and the need to follow (VCAA) rules for VCE and VCAL. As senior students we expect students to get drinks and use toilets during their break times not during important learning.
Mobile phones MUST be secured in lockers and not accessed during the day. This is law and non-negotiable. We seek parent/carer support to ensure this.
Medical Certificates
Students must present these to the Senior School Team on return to school following an absence. We ask that you make appointments after school hours, so that your child maximises their learning opportunities.
Resources - Ready to Learn
As mentioned booklists for VCE have been distributed. Along with these resources, students need a lock for their lockers, pens, exercise books and a calculator for maths at Year 10. Please contact us if you need support with materials or uniform.
Lunchtime Soccer - Year 7s
Year 10 Student Voice and Agency
Thanks to Batool Lafta, Josh B and Jovan for organising, umpiring and scoring the lunchtime games. In the end, 7G defeated 7A. Thanks to Michael and the PE team for their support and time in setting up and providing equipment.
Kwong Lee Dow Recipient 2021
Congratulations to Layne Dellervergini. She is the first recipient of this prestigious award. Layne is guaranteed an undergraduate place at Melbourne University, given she continues with her hard work and achievements. She also receives education support in terms of tutorial assistance, access to the largest library collection in the southern hemisphere, opportunities to study overseas and support with moving into Melbourne. A fantastic opportunity.
Academic Excellence :
Reym Url Kanindot | Design Technology |
Zainab Al-Easawi | Visual Arts |
Layne Dellevergini | English |
Tamana Azizi | Humanities |
Siddu Nadempalli | Maths |
Atar Singh | Maths - special acknowledgment - completing VCE units 3&4 of Mathematical Methods |
Atar Singh | Science |
Jovanjijo Antony | Health and Physical Education |
Academic Growth
The academic achievement award is given to the student who has achieved the highest growth in their learning across the cohort (year level) for that subject across the whole year.
Lillian Abdulrahman | Design Technology |
Hala Assad | Visual Arts |
Assal Sakhrawi | English |
Shahd Saleh | Humanities |
Mikhayla Tomas | Maths |
Gwain Gwain | Science |
Emily Dimovska | Health and Physical Education |
House Points Awards – Blue Glass Plaque
All of these students were involved in all house activities throughout the year. They all received points for positive classroom behaviours numerous times from term 2-4 from their teachers. Not only did these students participate to the best of their abilities at all times during house events and in class, they encouraged all other students around them to do the same as they helped create a positive house environment for peers.
James Dimech | McDonald - 5,538 |
Layne Dellevergini | McDonald - 4,877 |
Not only did these students participate to the best of their abilities at all times during house events and in class, they encouraged all other students around them to do the same as they helped create a positive house environment for peers. |
Middle & Senior School Awards |
This award is for students who have supported others; followed school values and expectations; are always respectful; and tries hard to do well. Congratulations to: |
Layne Dellevergini and Jovan Antony |
Principal’s Encouragement Awards
This award goes to students who have embodied the School Values of Respect All, Embrace Learning, Aim to Innovate, and Look to Inspire yourself and others. These students have been nominated by teachers and chosen by the Leadership Team.
The recipients are:
Shahd Saleh & Reym Url Kanindot |
Principal’s Award
This final award is the Principal Award – this goes to a student who was nominated by more than one member of the Leadership team. I have been impressed with this student’s contribution to school life, the way they speak with respect to everyone, and how they have approached their school work.
The winner is: Josh Blouyoufloh
Congratulations to all our winners and students who have done their best.
Wishing you a safe and restful break. Thanks for your support. Looking forward to working with you all in 2022.
Regards the Senior School Team 2021 - Glen, George & Angela