Principal's Report

I have had the opportunity this week to present many of our students with academic and house awards. It is a real pleasure to see how proud and sometimes surprised the students are when they have been presented with their achievements. They are all well deserved! 2021 has been a year that at times during the lockdowns felt as if we were all stuck in time while now that we are approaching the end of the year it also feels like we have back onsite for awhile. This is really because as a College we have tried to provide our students with as many 'normal' onsite school experiences as possible. These experiences include: Year 10 exams; Year 11 Step Up Program; Year 9 Exams; Mission To Mars; Zoo Excursion; Forensic Science Incursion; Spanish Fiesta; Lunchtime Sporting competition and Art clubs.
Recently, I was interviewed by the Education Editor of The Age. In the article I commented that I did believe that many students tried to engage across the remote learning periods but that everyone experienced online fatigue. If you would like to read the whole article it can be found on the following link:
Stage 2 Building
It is nearly all complete! The majority of the two new buildings is complete inside and all the buildings will be operational for students for the beginning of the 2022 academic year. Moving into the buildings will occur over the holiday break. We will have some lockers inside and also some lockers positioned outside the buildings. As well as ramps will also be constructed to the Edgars Road relocatables. There is no doubt that both staff and students will need to take some time to adjust the new facilities and grounds. It has been a four year wait for our foundation students and it is wonderful that this ready for their senior years. Further work will need to continue with the landscaping and planting into Term 1.
I have been working a School Celebration Event planning committee with parents Mary, Nicole, and Natalie with staff members Trish and Maria to plan an opportunity for all families to come into the College on Friday 11 Feb 4.00 - 7.00 pm to experience the facilities. I know that it has been difficult for parents and carers over the last two years as we have not been able to have the level of community events onsite that we would have liked. It is always important for parents/carers to see where their children go to school! I hope you take the opportunity to come along.
Staffing Update
I would like to thank all the ECSC staff for their commitment, flexibility and professionalism across 2021. I am proud of the quality of our teaching and education support staff and I see daily how much they care for the learning and wellbeing of students. We have employed 30 new teachers for 2022 to deliver the curriculum programs we are offering for 2022. It is exciting to be introducing new subjects and to be expanding current subjects for 2022. For the first time we will also have some of our Year 10 students studying a selection of VCE Unit 1 and 2 subjects alongside with our Year 11 students. I would also like to thank and farewell the following teachers: Salvador Ortiz; Mauizio Corso; Chris Spatharis; Brad Little; Bianca Marasco; Jonathon Cram; Aslihan Gavas; Nick Drummond and our tutors Ator Giorgis; John Hudson and Nicola Hogan. We wish them well as they move onto different schools and move to different suburbs and states.
During this term we were also successfully able to appoint a Facilities Manager for the College. Mark Pickett began with us in November which has allowed him the opportunity to become familiar with our new buildings while planning for 2022. Finally, I would like to welcome the following teachers for 2022:
Rebekah Batsiokis Maria Yoffreda
Helen Oulsakas Ignatius Zanetidis
Ben Catania Kitty Flanagan
Ator Giorgis Mustafa Osmanovski
Izzy Votsis Anthony Weare
Claudia White Delara Pataki
Liam Jacob Erin Copeland
Gabe Adderley Liam Ward
Zak Mirabelli Kaitlyn Wakartscuk
James Di Donna Lina Nicolas
Rebecca Lister Cameron Stark
Sabrine Barakat Ashlee Francis
Victor Sam Luke Giblett
Mark Fraser Michelle O'Conner
Miles Hurrell Mark Jenkin (STEAM Technician)
Thank you for your support across 2021 and enjoy the summer break and festive season.
Jo Camozzato
College Principal