Musical Notes

Online Recital Series

Here is the last in our series of online recitals.  Have we left the best till last?  You decide as you watch our students perform.



Here are the links for previous recitals:






Lessons during transition weeks

Instrumental Music lessons will still be running during Transition Weeks.  Please remind your son to attend at his scheduled time.  If he is unable to attend a lesson, please contact his teacher or email Music Reception.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to make up missed lessons.


Unused Instruments

If your son has discontinued lessons and you have a Mazenod musical instrument that is no longer being used, please return it to our music reception as soon as possible to avoid being charged for a replacement.




Music Reception

Music Reception will be closed from midday Friday 10th December, 2021 and will re-open Thursday 27th January, 2022.  Please email during that time and we will respond as soon as possible.




For any enquiries regarding Mazenod’s music program, please contact the Music Office: