From the Executive
This week the VCE exams come to an end, and with their conclusion comes the end of thirteen years of schooling for our class of 2021, VCAL students having finished some weeks ago now. To the families, teachers, and most importantly the young men themselves I extend the warmest congratulations.
On December 16th December VCE students will receive results, distilled to an ATAR ranking. For many, this number will herald well-deserved pride and a just reward while for others it may bring temporary disappointment. As a College, we work hard to provide students with the best opportunities to maximise their VCE outcomes, but I encourage all students and families to recognise that this number neither defines them nor does it close any future doors.
We hope the learning gained from six years at Mazenod College extends beyond what can be described in a study score or ATAR. I am are sure you will agree that we are just as proud of the ethical and personal growth in these young men as we are in their academic achievements. Ultimately, we are measured by the sum of God’s love for us and this never changes.
As of Monday the rest of our students in Years 7-11 start a two-week transition period. This means students will commence learning in their new year level, with their new teachers. This is an exciting time for students to sink their teeth into the challenges of 2022, leaving behind the challenging year that has passed. While textbooks will not be available for most students, materials will be provided by classroom teachers. I encourage parents to ensure that students bring their laptops, calculator, stationery, and writing materials (loose-leaf paper or exercise books) to school on Monday.
Finally, over the year I have had many requests from parents to provide study skills materials to help students learn how to engage in effective study at home. Study is different to homework because it focuses on student-led revision rather than completion of current tasks. To help parents, the library staff and I have curated a guide to study skills, including a downloadable study planner. I encourage students to start the 2022 year in transition by committing themselves to regular self-motivated revision. Please see the link below to peruse the resources.
Every blessing,
Dr Matt Fyfield
Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching