From the Archives

O’Rourke Building

The O’Rourke Building was officially blessed and declared opened by Sir Bernard Callinan, Chairman of the National Catholic Education Commission on 8th March 1987. The ground floor of the new building was comprised of a Foyer, a Library, a 215 seat Lecture

Theatre, an Audio Visual Centre and a small kitchen. The upstairs area consisted of six classrooms, two senior seminar rooms, a staff office and toilet facilities. The building also had an elevator for students with mobility issues and all the walls of the upstairs classrooms were movably enabling the entire area to be opened up for social events. It was named the “O’Rourke Complex”, in honour of the College Board Chairman, Mr Michael O’Rourke.


The O’Rourke Building as it looked in 2008…



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Mazenod College Digital Archive;




Mr Peter Marinick
