From the Principal 

Welcome to Week 3


A massive thank you to our brilliant Community Group who organised the Mother's Day Stall and Morning Tea last week. The stall was a huge success with plenty of great gifts on offer. The Morning Tea gathering in the Sacred Heart Centre was packed with mums joining us from the school and Playgroup. The food was superb, the service extraordinary and the company glorious!  What a gathering.  It could not have happened without the effort of the volunteers (mothers and grandmothers) who organised, prepared and served the food and drinks. 



As you may have seen, the slab has gone down for the new Administration Centre. The pour went according to plan, thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth flow of traffic during the day.  The construction of the framework will commence on Monday, May 22.

Today's Assembly was led by the Earth Care Squad. This enthusiastic group shared with us all the fantastic work they do around the school, and encourage the rest of us to do, to ensure we are a community that values the wonderful gift of creation through our words and importantly actions.


This term, students from Reception to Year 2 have participated in SANFL Football clinics - as apart of their Physical Education lessons. Students have learnt varying football skills including kicking, handballing and marking as well as improving their fundamental movement skills.  It has been fantastic to see our early years show an interest in football and learn new skills and build their understanding of the game. A big thank you to the coaches from North Adelaide Football Club, and co-coordinator Lachlan for their assistance. Thank you to Anita Marino for organising this program for our school. 


Commencing next term, our Newsletter will be accessible through our Website. This will mean format and feature changes.  More information to follow.


Please note that Friday, July 7 is a Pupil Free Day. The staff will be engaging in a Professional Development Day.  The last day of school this term is therefore, Thursday, July 6.  School will conclude on this day at the 3:15 followed by the concert in the evening.




Sean Hill
