Grade 5

Explore the Learning in Grade 5

Inquiry Excursion


During week 7, our grade 5 students embarked on a day of all things Civics and Citizenship. First, we were very lucky to attend a session run by The State Parliament of Victoria. Here we learnt about how a bill is passed and a new law in created. Students participated in role plays to re-enact the process that politicians follow when they are debating a new law. We even had Alison Marchant attend our sessions and share her experiences with us.


After this we visited the Mayor's Office. Our grade 5 students were very lucky to have Mayor Trent Sullivan speak with us and share some insights into his role and the responsibilities of our local council. The students also had an opportunity to ask questions and get some photos.


It was a fantastic day and it was amazing to see our grade 5's so engaged in their learning.