Learning in S32

Senior School S32 Windley/Shevchenko is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

This term in S32 we are focussing on Narrative writing.

We have decided that it is important for us to feel inspired before we start the writing process, so students have been busy this week creating a collage out of only coloured paper that shows the unique superhero they have created and the setting they have chosen.  Students have planned out their hero’s superpowers and weaknesses.  Here are some of our wonderful ideas:


Adalita: Other than witch magic, my hero can also see other people’s thoughts and control them.
Amelia: My character’s superpower is strength and telekinesis.
Leon W: He has rings with all the elements and fire shoots out. He can’t go near gold.
Eli: My superhero has super strength, super speed, flight, and vine growth.
Hayley: My hero can make people sleep with a click of their fingers and stop time and fly.
Will: The hero I created has super strength, super speed, can fly and is also bulletproof.
Leon T: My superhero has fast speed and super strength.
Fab: His superpower is that he shoots out polka dots from his hands. His weakness is cake!
Lilly: She can make lollies and can use water to put out a fire. Her weakness is teddies.
Kim: My superhero's superpower is flying and strength.
Destiny: She can turn water into jelly and change her appearance.
Kimiora: He can turn into anything like an eagle or a cat.  He’s weakest when he is tired.
Raymond: He can turn into a bee.
Isabelle: Her superpower is transformation, and her weakness is she can’t do anything without knowing her family is safe.
Kerby: My hero can 1 punch everyone and flicks villains off the Earth.  He has dark matter and has a strong sense of smell.
Hudson: His superpower is electricity and webs, and his weakness is sand and water.
Holly: My character’s superpower is invisibility, super speed and shape-shifting.
Sahib: He has super speed, super strength, he has a powerful watch and the power of invisibility.
Aaban: His power is he can control people and buildings.  His eyes can throw wind and water.
Peppa: Her power is purple matter, and their weakness is a simple cross crucifier.
Hayden: My superhero’s power is fire and shapeshifting, and his weakness is when he gets hit, he turns back into a human.

Ms Windley & Ms Shevchenko

Year 5 Teachers