VicSRC (Victoria Student Representative Council) 

By Amy Johnson.

What is VicSRC? 

VicSRC (Victorian Student Representative Council) is a Victoria-wide community that is focused on heightening students’ voices and empowering students to actively participate in school when it comes to decision-making within the community. It is the only education-based, student-led advocacy in Australia and one of the key voices in the Victorian education sector. 

What Do They Do? 

VicSRC is focused on making collective, systemic change in education at the state level in Victoria and it also supports students to make changes in their schools and communities. VicSRC advocates for students to be involved in making decisions about their education and to have a voice. 

What is the main goal of the year? 

The Goal of the student ambassadors this year is to undertake some form of student voice action in our respective schools in terms 2 and 3 before the end of the program. There are about 40 student ambassadors this year from all over Victoria, all working with the common goal of improving student voice at their schools, and improving the education given. Using the ALTER framework this year, (Ask, Listen, Think, Enact, and Reflect.) The 2023 ambassadors are using this as a guide to create a positive change in their school environment surrounding indigenous recognition, Mental Health awareness, and Consent and Sexuality education.  


Amy Johnson

Year 10


Amy has recently been successful in applying for the VicSRC program with 40 students across Victoria.