Environmental Team

Environment & Sustainability 


News from the Chicken Coop

Busy, busy, busy!

We have been very busy securing the chicken run and cleaning the coop and surrounding areas to make sure everything is spick and span and ready for the new St John’s school chickens. They are coming very soon and we would really love to have as many families as possible to have a turn at chicken duty for one weekend each year. It really is quite fun!

The students can’t wait to have some feathered friends back on the school grounds and for Egg Lotto to begin again.

We will run a competition to name our chickens once they arrive so put your thinking caps on now so you’re ready to enter.

We’ll let you know shortly when we need volunteers for the chicken duty roster and please consider helping out. Watch this space!


News from the Garden

The summer/autumn crops have finished up in the wicking beds and we have been busy pulling out old plants and weeding, getting the beds ready for winter/spring crops. Some classes will be taking over the planting and care of some of the wicking beds and it will be exciting to see what they will decide to grow.


Waste Wise Reminder

We ask that everyone continues to reduce the amount of packaging that they bring to school as much as possible by using small reusable containers or lunch boxes with built in sections for different foods. Don’t forget to label all your containers to make sure that they go home again. Please help us to continue to reduce our rubbish at school.


Wonder Recycling Rewards

Wow! We’ve filled 1 box already, let’s keep going!

The Wonder Recycling Rewards Program is continuing for all of term 2  so keep bringing in your bread bags. The rule of thumb is that if it has contained bread of some sort and is a soft plastic, then it’s a bread bag. If it hasn’t contained bread, then it’s not a bread bag. Bread bags should be as free from crumbs as they can be to keep the recycling process free from contamination (there is no need to wash them, just give them a good shake out).

There is a box in the office area to deposit your clean bread bags. Please do not put anything else in this box other than plastic bread bags. The more bags we collect the more credits we receive to redeem free sports equipment for our school.


Thanks for your support,

The Environment Team