Learning and Teaching

Scholastic "Bookaneer Book Fair" 

Reading for pleasure unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are.

Here’s what you can do to help children develop stronger reading skills and a love for reading:

• Set the example - Let children see you read

• Have a collection of books in your home

• Update this collection routinely to keep up with changing tastes and reading skills

• Support our school’s Book Fair - Allow your children to choose their own books to read


The theme of our Scholastic Book Fair is Bookaneer Book Fair. It’s a fun reading event that brings the books kids want to read into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits.


Book Fair Dates: Tuesday, 23 May to Friday, 26 May 

Venue: Zebeedee Room (Parish building adjacent to our back car park )

Shopping Hours: Tuesday, 23 May,  2.45 - 3.45pm

                                   Wednesday, 24 May Grandparents Day, 8.30 -11.45am & 2.45- 3.45pm

                                   Thursday, 25 May,  8.30 - 9.15am  &  2.45- 3.45pm

                                    Friday, 26 May,   8.30 - 9.15am  &  2.45- 3.45pm


We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair! Remember, all purchases benefit our school.



It’s time for our Scholastic Book Fair!  It’s a fun reading event that brings the books kids want to read into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. All purchases benefit our school.


If you are able to help for an hour or so in any of the times listed above, please leave your name, contact number and availability at the school office. Thank you!


Sue & Maria

Library Staff 

DigiTech News 

We are diving into Digital Systems across the school this term in Digital Technology. We will be covering a range of topics related to digital systems including input and output devices, hardware and software, binary code and programming. 


Speaking of programming, this week is Scratch Week

Scratch Week is held 8 - 12 May and budding programmers from all over the world are invited to have a look at the themes released each day and create a project based on the theme. The week is finished off with Scratch Day on 13 May, where people can come together and share projects, and learn from each other. If you have someone with an interest in programming, Scratch and Scratch Jr are free to join and a great place to begin coding. 

Scratch Week 2023 — Scratch Foundation


Allison Bayliss

eLearning Leader 

Term 2 History Inquiry News

This term  all students will be immersed into the History of our country, being sensitive to all cultures and laws, which have contributed to the shaping of our great country.  Our over arching focus this year is 'Gratitude' and so our teachers have challenged themselves to inspire our students, to research and give thanks for all people in our country and how their different cultures have helped to build our modern culture of today.  It is through knowledge and understanding of history, that we learn from our past and our ancestors, to create a better informed future.

Parent Engagement for our Inquiry

Thanks to our parents who commenced conversations over the holidays to help our students in preparation for History this term.  All of our students had a holiday task which they are currently sharing with their peers in class.  

Prep - Year 2 

Finding out which cultures are represented in their class families and exploring  what, how and why they celebrate with their families.

Year 3-4 

 Students and parents took photos and notes of evidence of our historical past with our first nation indigenous people, by finding names of parks, streets and monuments.

Year 5-6

Collected data about when their parents and grandparents immigrated to Australia and their reason for doing so, including exploring world events and immigration laws as an influence.


Below are some resources which helped inspire build curiosity amongst our students.

Melinda Buscema 

(Deputy Principal and Learning & Teaching)