Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

Last week was a big week for school tours and enrolments. Our Open Day was well attended with great interest being generated via our Social Media posts. Many new families have enrolled for 2024 and we are looking forward to welcoming them all to the school again on Thursday evening for the Parent Information Evening. If you have a child who will be attending Prep next year then please send in their enrolments, as interviews will commence in the next few weeks.


I would like to congratulate Mr Rhett Masters on officially becoming a Master of Wellbeing last week. Rhett attended his graduation ceremony last Wednesday and we are all very proud of his great achievements. Rhett is our Maths Leader at St John's and an important part of the Leadership Team. He has also taken on the role of PE teacher this year and in in a year 3/4 class. Mr Masters is certainly multi-talented and really living up to his name!

Happy Mothers Day

I would like to wish all of the Mothers, Grandmothers and Mother figures within our community a very Happy Mother's Day for this Sunday. I am looking forward to sharing the day with my wonderful children and their partners, while also catching up with my own Mum. As one of 7 girls our family celebrations are always big and continue to grow. My mum now has 17 grandchildren, 3 great-grand children and 3 more are on the way. 

The role of a mum is enormous. Cherish this time to love, cuddle and be with your children. This time is so precious and your role in their lives now, will help to set them up for a bright future ahead.

Working Bee - Saturday 20 May

Please join us on Saturday 20 May for our first major Working Bee for the Year. It will start at 10am till 1.00pm. There will be mulch to move, gardens to weed and paths to sweep. Please bring your wheelbarrow, rake, shovel and broom.

Every family who attends will receive a $50 deduction on their school fees. It is always a fun day so please come along and help if you can!

Parent Information Evening

St John's Parent Information Evening is on this Thursday, 11 May at 7.00pm. Please let any interested neighbours or friends know so they can attend.  

Everyone is welcome!

2024 Prep Enrolment

Enrolments for Prep 2024 classes are now open. If your child is eligible to enroll for next year please forward their completed enrolment form to the school office as we will be arranging interviews at the end of May. You are welcome to attend the Parent Information Evening this week and there will be a 2024 Prep Parent Information Evening in November for all Prep enrolments.

Year 6 to 7 Transition


Please see the key enrolment dates for Year 5 students intending to apply for a position at a Catholic Secondary School for Year 7, 2025.

The timeline has been agreed upon,  after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).


Key Enrolment Dates

The timeline of events and dates are as follows:

27 January 2023– Applications opened for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2025

18 August 2023 – Applications will close

20 October 2023 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants

10 November 2023 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.


Parents of Year 5 students in 2023, please add these dates to your calendars so that you don’t miss out!



Information went home to all year 6 students in week one of Term 2, explaining the process for applying for a position in year 7 at a State Government Secondary School. Applications should be made directly to your neighborhood school.


Could all Year 6 parents and guardians please return the form confirming your child's placement for Year 7 in 2024, tothe svchool office.

The Chickens are Coming

Any day now our new chickens will be arriving. They are packing their bags and are on their way. The classes will be voting on their new names from the 10 names chosen by the Future Leaders today.  

We cant wait to introduce the chickens to their new home here at St John's. 

Follow us @St John's Social Media

It is great to see our new followers  on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Please follow us and spread the word amongst your family and friends. If you could repost and share our latest stories that would be greatly appreciated.

Here are the Links - Facebook       Instagram       Twitter

Joke of the Week

 Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil?   Because it’s pointless.


Have a peaceful week and I hope you stay warm!


Verona Gridley
