Whole School Event - Art Show
Come along on Wednesday June 21st to view a variety of incredible artworks created by students from Prep through to Year 12.
Get here early to grab a drink from Taste & See and then make your way into the Secondary Library space for the exhibition.
The Art Show will be open from 3:30pm to 7:00pm, with Taste & See open 3:30pm to 4:30pm. See you there!
Maria Wheelton
Head of Visual Arts
Spotlight on eSafety – Cyber Safety Project Webinar Series
eSafety is of critical importance in our rapidly changing world where applying Godly wisdom and discernment in digital literacy is often forgotten. We want to support the education of our students to apply safe, appropriate and data-informed strategies as they grow in wisdom in their use of the internet and social media.
As part of our partnership with Cyber Safety Project, we would like to advise you of upcoming parent webinars. Gaming and Your Family is on Wednesday 26th July via Zoom. This webinar is appropriate for parents, grandparents and carers of children of any age. Please see the attach flyer for the link. You can always go back and view the content if that time is not suitable for you.
Please contact if you have any questions or would like to discuss how we can support your child who may be struggling with their use of social media or the internet.
God Bless,
Marina Heading
Head of Wellbeing
During Term 2, the Sustainability Team will meet every Friday at recess in the Art room. The Garden Club will continue to run Monday lunchtimes in the veggie garden. Anyone from years 3 -12 are invited to join.
The Sustainability team gave the opportunity for each class to receive indoor plants to filter the air in and enhance the student’s wellbeing. Classrooms are learning how to care for the environment, even while indoors, and students have gained responsibility in looking after the plants.
The team have also been working on informing their peers about the correct items to recycle and have created a fantastic poster that has been given to primary classrooms to ensure that waste is sorted correctly.
Maria Wheelton & The Sustainability Team
MSL - Happy Mother’s Day
Mothers, Grandmothers and Aunts are truly such a gift from God! We were so honoured to be able to hand out some flowers and bless Mum’s on Friday the 12th of May. May we always be so grateful to God for such incredible women in our lives.
Natalie Nheu
Primary School Teacher & Mission Service Learning Coordinator