Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News


A focus for Term 3, will continue to be - How to be kind. To yourself and to others. 

Being kind is a quality we encourage in children all the time. But fostering kindness in kids takes more than just telling them to be kind.

They must understand what kindness really means and they need to know how to be kind.

Teaching kindness can happen in many forms:

  • Modeling
  • Direct teaching
  • Through personal experience
  • Mindfulness-based activities

How will you practice kindness in these holidays? 


Mental Health in the Home

Brian Jeffrey is an outstanding speaker on the top of mental health.  Brian is highly regarded in this field, extremely engaging and relatable with realistic and worthwhile tips. I cannot recommend him highly enough.  Monique Corcoran


From time to time a child may speak to you about needing to go to Time Owed at second break. Time Owed is a space where students come to speak to someone about incidences that may have occurred in the yard.

Reflection Time occurs if one of the Embrace Rules is broken while on Yard Duty and this behaviour falls under the Minor and Major non-negotiables. Time Owed forms will be sent home via Compass if a student's behaviour is a Major or Minor behaviour. 


The Time Owed space is used for a variety of purposes.

 - Reflection Time out of the yard is to provide the student with an opportunity to calm down (if needed) 

 -  Time for students to voice what has occured and seek a resolution if something has occurred

 -  collecting information from all parties 


So if your child comes home saying that they need to go to Time Owed it may be for one of the reasons above.  You will be contacted if necessary via Compass or a phone call. This does not always occur.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Karen Halket or Elaine Doughty for clarification.