We are here for the community


School Council met on Wednesday 14th June onsite. Some notables discussion points include: 

  • Student leadership presentation by Year 6 Specialist leaders; Addison F. & Eboni W.
  • TheirCare pricing change (costs to families is lower)
  • TheirCare attendance data (increase numbers of student attendance)
  • School Review summary
  • Child Safe - monitoring of Risk Register
  • ICT Acceptable User Agreement - more information to follow via Compass Term 3
  • Assessment Data and Reporting Semester 1, 2023 update
  • PFA fundraising and allocation of raise funds including shail sail and speaker system endorsement


Introducing School Council members

As a parent, joining the school council was a decision that I made to become more involved in my child's education. I believe that active participation in school activities and governance is important to ensure that the school is providing the best education possible for all students. By joining school council, I am able to work collaboratively with other parents, teachers, and administrators to identify areas where improvements can be made, and to implement changes that will benefit the school and its students. Additionally, being a member of the school council provides me with an opportunity to have a voice in important decisions that affect my child's education, such as the school budget, curriculum and program review and school policies. Overall, I joined the school council as a way to be more engaged with the school and to contribute to the success of the school community.