Challenge Page 

Brain Teasers

  • There are three houses. One is red, one is blue, and one is white. If the red house is to the left of the house in the middle, and the blue house is to the right to the house in the middle, where is the white house?
  • You are in a cabin and it is pitch black. You have one match on you. Which do you light first, the newspaper, the lamp, the candle, or the fire?
  • Who is bigger: Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?
  • How far can a rabbit run into the woods?
  • What are the next three letters in the following sequence? J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, __, __, __
  • Jimmy’s mother had four children. She named the first Monday. She named the second Tuesday, and she named the third Wednesday. What is the name of the fourth child?
  • What is full of holes but can still hold water?
  • Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?
  • What can you hold without ever touching or using your hands?

Answers to last week maths problem 

1)  A clerk at the butcher shop is six feet tall and wears size 10 shoes. What does he weigh?

Meat. He works at the butcher shop, so he weighs meat for a living.

2) A farmer has 19 sheep on his land. One day, a big storm hits and all but seven run away. How many sheep does the farmer have left?

Seven. The riddle says all but seven run away, meaning there are seven left who didn’t.

3) Your sock drawer only contains 18 white socks and 18 blue socks. How many times do you need to reach inside the drawer and take out a sock to guarantee a matching pair?

Three times. On the third time, you’ll get either a white or a blue sock to match with one of the other two you’ve already grabbed.

4) You planted sunflower seeds in your back garden. Every day, the number of flowers doubles. If it takes 52 days for the flowers to fill the garden, how many days would it take for them to fill half the garden?

It would take 51 days. If the number of flowers doubles every day, half the garden would be full the day before, on the 51st day.

5) Using only addition, how can you use eight eights to get the number 1,000?

888 +88 +8 +8 +8

6) When Ashley was 15, her mother was 37. Now, her mother is twice her age. How old is Ashley?

Ashley is 22. Her mother is 22 years older, so when Ashley is 22, she’s now half her mother’s age.


Puzzle answer : SMILE