Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope that you all had a relaxing break and enjoyed the Easter celebrations with your family. I was lucky enough to have my two sons and husband at home on the holidays. We enjoyed many long walks, playing board games, bike riding, gourmet home cooked meals and nights around the fire pit. I hope that you continue to find creative ways to enjoy the company of your family. 


Term 2 is in full swing now and we are all working together to connect and collaborate online. It is wonderful to see how our students have embraced the new remote learning program and are achieving great success already.


We know that there have been a few challenges with technology but hopefully these are all resolved now. Thank-you to everyone for supporting us as we navigate these new learning tools and platforms. Thank you and congratulations to our staff who have spent many hours designing and planning learning tasks for your children to deliver such a rich and engaging program across the curriculum.


Thank-you to all of our parents and guardians who have supported the remote learning by adjusting their home life and working conditions.

A big congratulations to all of our students who continue to try their best each day, remain positive and focussed, to complete their learning throughout the week.


We are delighted to announce the recent engagement of Shannon Kearns (Prep) and Craig Wilton. We wish them great happiness and joy! 







Our Library is Open on Tuesdays

If your child would like to borrow some new books from the school library, it will be open tomorrow between 10am - 11am and from 12pm - 1pm.


Parenting in a Digital World Webinar

Please join us online at 8.00pm 23 April for a Live Webinar on

Password: parents2020


Carley & Martin will be sharing all of their insights- to support parents to be informed, empowered and minimise risk when it comes to managing connected devices.

Topics covered in the Webinar will include:

-Keys to parent-child communication

-Balancing screen time

-Where to find helpful inform at ion

-Unsafe apps & social media


-Managing devices in the home 

-Current trends in child/teen online behaviour


St John's Outreach Program

The St John’s Outreach program is here to support our school community through the provision of home-cooked meals, uniforms and school supplies. I have a variety of home cooked meals in the freezer and would like to be able to distribute these to our school families in need. Please contact me via email or phone to let me know if you would like any meals provided. The Outreach program operates with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.


Have a great week!


Verona Gridley
